FIMTE 2014 - Mojácar, Almería. August 2-10
FIMTE 12th Symposium on Spanish Keyboard Music
“Diego Fernández”
Parador de Mojácar-Almería, 7 – 9 AUGUST 2014
Early Music Revivals and the Performance of Spanish Keyboard Music
Rafael Puyana. In Memoriam
The 12th International Symposium on Spanish Keyboard Music “Diego Fernández” was held at the Parador of Mojácar, Almería, Andalusia, on the 7 to 9 August 2014, as part of FIMTE 2014: the 15th International Festival of Spanish Keyboard Music. The festival featured a full week of concerts, expert lectures, and workshops.
This symposium brings together academics and performers to investigate issues of performance practice across a range of styles. It draws on a range of expertise into past and current trends in performance of Spanish Keyboard Music.
Rafael Puyana
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Thursday, August 7
19,00-20,00 Registration
21,00 Recital (Parador de Mojácar): Marisa Martins, mezzosoprano - Mac Maclure, piano
22,30 Reception (Spanish Wine)
Friday, August 8
9,00 Session A): Early Music Revivals in the late 19th-and 20th-century
Alfonso Pérez Sánchez (Universidad de Guanajuato): “Iberia de Isaac Albéniz: las versiones integrales grabadas en el continente americano”
Carolina Estrada (Conservatorio de Sydney): “Poetry in motion: Exploring Authenticity in the Performance of Enrique Granados Valses Poéticos Op.43 (1887)”
Albert Attenelle (L'Escola de Música de Barcelona): "Albéniz, Granados, Mompou, interpretación y autenticidad"
10,30-11,00 Coffee Break
Mac Maclure (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá). Lecture- recital (with Marisa Martins): “Robert Gerhard: Tonadas and early Spanish Stage Works”
Ricardo de La Torre (Ada, Oklahoma). Lecture-recital (piano): “Los compositores españoles del siglo XX y el revival de la sonata bipartita para teclado del siglo XVIII: una aportación de la estética neoclásica
Liz Mary Diaz (Universidad de Valladolid):“Musicología e interpretación: Joaquín Nin y la rehabilitación del repertorio teclístico hispano durante el primer tercio del siglo XX”
Isabel Rocha (Profesora emérita Conservatorio de Música del Liceo, Barcelona): “Inicios de la Música Antigua en España: ARS MUSICAE”
13,00 Break
16,00 Session B) Early Spanish keyboard repertoire (15th to 18th centuries): sources and questions of performance practice
Carlos Roberto Ramírez (Cornell University: “Todos juntos: Identity, Diplomacy and the rise of amateur keyboard culture in Iberia 1490-1590”
Aleksander Mocek (Krákow, Polonia/Freiburg im Breisgau-Alemania). Lecture-recital (harpsichord): “Terrae incognitae of modern harpsichord repertoire: the Spanish baroque practice of medio registro”
Judith Conrad (Massachusetts). Lecture recital (clavichord): “The Splendor of Valencia: Music of Juan Bautista Cabanilles and Vicente Rodríguez”
19,00 Fringe concert (Parador de Mojácar): Susanne Skyrm, piano
22,00 Recital (Plaza del Frontón, Mojácar pueblo): Luisa Morales (harpsichord ), Cristóbal Salvador (dance)
Saturday, August 9
9,00 Session B) Early Spanish keyboard repertoire (15th to 18th centuries): sources and questions of performance practice (II)
Barry Ife (Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London): “Scarlatti in Barcelona”
Lark Powers (East Central University, Ada Oklahoma). Lecture-recital (harpsichord): “Scarlatti’s fugues: Italianate, Iberian or idiosyncratic?”
Susanne Skyrm (University of South Dakota): “The Haydn/Scarlatti Connection”
Sofia Barreto (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas): "Posibles fuentes orales para la ejecución de las danzas españolas del siglo XVIII: Ornamentación, articulación e improvisación en el joropo venezolano"
11,00-11,30 Coffee Break
11,30 Session C) Rafael Puyana. In Memoriam
Luisa Morales (FIMTE, Almería): “Rafael Puyana y la interpretación de la música española para clave en el siglo XX”
Egberto Bermúdez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá) “Rafael Puyana (1931-2013): entre la música y la música antigua”
16,00 Session C) Rafael Puyana. In Memoriam (II)
Reynaldo Fernández Manzano (Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía, Granada): "Rafael Puyana y su técnica para el clavecín"
Elena García de Paredes de Falla (Archivo Manuel de Falla, Granada): "Rafael Puyana: el legado de un gran músico"
Dácil González Mesa (Archivo Manuel de Falla - Universidad de Granada): "Manuel de Falla y la recuperación de la música antigua: una mirada al pasado a través de su archivo personal"
Mariano Moisés-Azize Fernández (Archivo Manuel de Falla -Universidad de Granada): “La Biblioteca de Rafael Puyana: documentación musical”
20,45 Bus from Parador Mojácar to Garrucha
21,30 Recital (Castillo de Garrucha) Lark Powers – Ricardo de La Torre, piano
22,45 Symposium Dinner
Bus from Garrucha to Mojácar
For further information, please contact:
Luisa Morales
Apdo. 212 Garrucha 04630
Almería ESPAÑA
Tel: +34 950132621
FIMTE has a limited number of scholarships available, covering the registration fees for the symposium and/or the workshop. Travel and accommodation costs must be borne by the applicant. To apply for the scholarship, submit a CV to the organization before May 1st.
Accomodation: Please, contact the hotels directly. Because this is a touristic destination, we strongly recommend you to book at least one month prior to the symposium.
Hotel Mojácar Playa: Sorry, no more rooms available in this hotel for FIMTE attendees.
Hotel Continental
Apartamentos Best Pueblo Indalo, Mojácar;; TEl. 34 950 478 376;; Paseo del Mediterráneo, 233, Mojácar.
Hotel Virgen del Mar, Mojácar;; Paseo del Mediterráneo, 245; TEL 950472222
Parador Nacional de Mojácar, where the conference is held. Rooms from 100 to 150 euros. , Tel. 34-950478250; FAX 34-950478183; e-mail:
Airport: Almería is the nearest airport (90 km from Mojácar)
Train: Almería Station (90 km) or Lorca Station (60 km)
Bus: Vera or Mojacar Bus Station (connecting with Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Murcia…)
A service of shuttles Almería-Mojácar would be available in the afternoon of the 7th August. Please, contact us well in advance to organize your transport.